From the President, June 2019
Brothers and Sisters of IBEW Local 11,
Any meeting that the Union schedules usually requires at least 2 ½ to 3 hours to start (clearing members in, receiving their ballot and seating them), follow the meetings agenda (presenting the material and speaking to certain points of information) and then opening the floor to take questions from the members about what has been presented to them.
If the meeting is for a contract ratification, it is very likely that more than the usual number of members are going to go up to the microphone. When enough has been said, someone can call for the question to stop all of the debate, a “second” is required and then the members vote just to stop “debate.” At this point the members would be instructed to cast their vote and put the ballot in the voting box. When all that is done the ballot counting committee would proceed to count the ballots. The counts would be given to the president and then the meeting would resume to deliver the results.
Now I know you all can see how this whole process could easily go 4, 5 even 6 hours! And that’s with everyone being mindful and respectful of one another.
You all saw how out of control the members were and the disrespect that was happening during the progress of the meeting. Everyone of you has something important to say and you deserve to be heard and to receive respect from the members who are listening. We all have to give as one gets! If we cross talk to each other or shout out when It’s not your turn you all get angry. Then the whole meeting starts to fall apart and it’s going to take all day. The place that the meeting is being held is rented by your union for a specific amount of time. Your personal time is important too! We all need to come into our meetings as a brotherhood and the dedicated professionals that knows how to respect one another. Take a seat, be quiet, listen to what’s presented, prepare yourself to ask a question when it’s question time and if you all have heard enough, call for the question, vote and wait patiently for the count.
We had over 1600 members in attendance at that meeting. If we double that (and all things point to that being the situation) you all can do the math, this next meeting could take a very long time! Show everyone that Local 11 knows how to treat one another. The word is RESPECT. If you want it then you have to give it…….totally, through the whole meeting!
Help one another to keep your cool! Be quiet and listen. I know you all will be happier if we can keep it together. Thank you for your wanted and needed involvement. It’s your Union.
In Solidarity,
Rusty Roten