President’s Message – August 2021

Brothers and Sisters,

The upcoming recall election is extremely important. Governor Newsom has been and continues to be a great friend of labor and this “sham” of a recall process is without merit. All of the unions in California are United in seeing this recall action lose.

I encourage you to vote NO on the recall, your union encourages you to vote NO on the recall and the Democratic Party encourages you to vote NO on the recall. To be clear, it’s not enough to be against the recall, you have to vote NO! It isn’t necessary to vote for an alternate candidate since defeat of the recall will accomplish the desired results. Help me and your local get this done. Please fill out your ballot when it arrives and get it in the mail on time! Local 11’s continued success depends on us having a labor-friendly Governor.

As always, if you have any questions about anything in the local union, please call one of our business agents or give the main office a call and ask to speak to me. I’m happy to discuss matters with you.


Gaylord “Rusty” Roten
President/Senior Assistant Business Manager 

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