President’s Message — January 2021
Brothers and Sisters,
At our last General Informational Zoom meeting, I had the honor to swear into membership just over 200 new members of IBEW Local 11. I would like to emphasize how respected that pledge is and how committed it makes us all. That pledge is a personal commitment to be hard working, self-improving and supportive not only to the objectives of the union but to each other.
It’s not enough that you show up on time and put in eight hours of work, you must do your best. Show each other (by example) our mutual abilities and encourage one another to constantly self-improve and keep up with the changes in our construction industry. Understanding that the rules and regulations which have been handed down through the ages of our great union is also your responsibility. Everyone should ask questions and discuss the answers. Our union should constantly be evolving and what has always been the rule of yesterday might not “fit” or be what is necessary for tomorrow.
The “Oath” is our pledge to all these things. It’s an honor to be a part of this union’s heritage. The reward is a long and prosperous career in the IBEW!
In Solidarity,
Gaylord R. (Rusty) Roten