Solidarity & Civility

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Thank you to the more than 1500 members who attended the special called meeting regarding contract negotiations for the Inside Wireman’s Agreement. Unfortunately, the IBEW 11 negotiating committee could not present an acceptable contract due to continued bargaining with the NECA committee. Your show of solidarity and desire for a fair and equitable contract will go far in expressing to our contractors the need to come to an agreement soon. We have had 8 meetings so far and have 2 more scheduled in the next few weeks. All of us are committed to work out a deal which will ensure the continued success of the IBEW-NECA partnership in the greater Los Angeles area. As you know, the current contract expires June 30, 2019. Look for further correspondence notifying you of the date, time and place to vote on a new contract.

In anticipation of even more members showing up to this most important meeting, we will be sure to reserve a venue which will seat everyone. As those who attended the previous meeting at the Los Angeles Convention Center saw, there was standing room only. This created an unpleasant atmosphere and compounded already heightened emotions. The ratification meeting will be run quite differently. Members should feel free to express their views, ask questions then vote on a contract without fear of reprisal or physical violence from others. The IBEW Constitution requires all members attending any meeting to be respectful and follow the rules of the chair.

If not “He shall promptly have removed from the meeting room any intoxicated member, any disturber, or anyone not conducting himself in an orderly way, or anyone who disturbs the harmony or peace of the meeting, or who fails promptly to abide by his rulings or the action of the meeting.”


Remember to bring an official printed yellow dues receipt paid through June 2019. DIGITAL RECEIPTS OR COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Your dues receipt will be stamped to ensure each member receives only one ballot.

Click here for a list of current staff member’s name, title, phone number and email. Please contact one of them to give them information of the job you are on, location, contractor and number of electricians on site. We need this information to continue giving you the representation you deserve and expect. Again, your negotiation committee is prepared to meet every day and night of June in order to produce a contract for you to ratify by the end of the month. Click here for a list of current staff member’s contact information.

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: Effective July 1, 2019 Travel Letters will no longer be issued.


Joel Barton
Business Manager

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