Veterans Report — October 2024

Presenting at Membership Development Conference

Fellow Veterans of Local Union 11,

I hope all who attended Union Night at Dodger Stadium enjoyed the game. As you probably noticed, our very own IBEW Journey-Level Sister, Ms. Newella Roseman, was recognized as the Veteran of the Game, given her Military Service and now as a Tradeswoman within the Los Angeles Community. Thank you, Newella, for your professional representation of our Local.

As an aside, I had the opportunity to present alongside other Veterans at the Membership Development Conference regarding IBEW Veteran Programs such as VEEP, Veterans Committees, and Veterans’ Integration into the IBEW. Our audience was comprised of business managers, organizers, members, and representatives from the International Office, including all District International Vice Presidents, who were all receptive to our presentations.

Please note that the Local 11 Veterans Committee has established a Facebook Page. Please take the time to register.


Mike Kufchak
Director of Veteran Affairs
IBEW Local 11

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