EAA Report — April 2021
Budget Boost! Good news: the city’s budget will be getting $677 million in assistance from the Federal Stimulus Package. This will help pay back the trust and reserve funds that were borrowed against during the pandemic, but as Councilmember Paul Krikorian, chair of the city’s Budget & Finance Committee, noted, this money will only allow the city to begin to heal, but it does not stop the bleeding. The city is already projecting the same level of revenue loss for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The new fiscal year budget is due out in a few weeks, and EAA will be monitoring it.
Telecommuting and Returning to Work – As the economy continues to reopen, some city employees will be returning to their offices. EAA is working with the city on a new telecommuting policy and guidelines. Some classifications may continue to telecommute on a more permanent basis. Please weigh in with your ideas through our surveys and forums being held throughout April and May.
Labor Rep Stats:
- 12 active grievances (LAPD, LAWA, SAN, DOT, RAP, LADBS) – personnel evaluations, disciplinary write-ups, suspension under five days.
- 9 active disciplinary cases (LAPD, LAWA, PW, DOT) – performance matters, off duty matters, violations of city policies.
- 6 pending arbitrations – 2 denied by the union with no appeal by members and 1 settled successfully.
- Meet and Confer Matters: LAPD Sr. PSR scheduling matter is in final discussions; LAPD assigning EAA work to sworn officers – meetings pending on this matter.
- Wins: 4 denials of personal leave time were overturned (LAWA, Finance), 1 grievance was successfully resolved in the Controller’s office; tuition reimbursement grievance was resolved via settlement.
Continue to check www.eaaunion.org for upcoming virtual events and meetings. Thank you for your hard work and professionalism.
Stay safe and healthy!
Marleen Fonseca
EAA Executive Director