August 26, 2020
Aloha from the South Bay Districts, As for the work picture in the South Bay, although…
August 26, 2020
Hello again from District 4, This pandemic is really messing with our lives. I can hardly…
August 26, 2020
Brothers & Sisters As we are working our way through this pandemic, we are continuing to…
August 17, 2020
VA suspending collection actions through the end of 2020 Due to COVID-19, VA is suspending collection…
August 5, 2020
The Retirees Club would like to say thanks to our Brotherhood and Joel Barton for sending…
July 30, 2020
Sisters and Brothers, This period of uncertainty due to the Coronavirus is unprecedented for probably all…
July 30, 2020
Brothers and Sisters, It would appear that all of those little wires add up to quite…
July 30, 2020
Brothers and Sisters, I hope this finds you and your families well through these trying times….
July 30, 2020
Greetings from District 4. Not much has changed since my last report. We are still dealing…