Political Director’s Report — April 2021
This week, Business Manager Joël Barton, Senior Assistant Business Manager Robert Corona and I met with about a dozen Congress members. There were a few Republicans in those meetings, but most of them were Democrats. Our message was clear to all the House members: thank you for passing the American Rescue Plan. The relief was badly needed. To the members of the Senate: let’s pass the PRO Act. We have a president who will sign it. And to everyone: we are in a unique position to get something done. Let’s try to do it in a bi-partisan manner, but if that doesn’t work, let’s do it anyway.
President Biden knows the middle class built this country. He also knows that unions built the middle class. That’s why he has stated many times over that Congress needs to move on the PRO Act and send it to his desk ASAP. The PRO Act will enhance the rights of American workers to organize and collectively bargain. In the big picture, the PRO Act will make America better. We know that the disparity between the rich and the poor is only getting worse, and the PRO Act will help prevent and maybe even reverse that disparity.
We’ve been working through this pandemic for over a year now. It is my hope that by now, you have been offered the opportunity to take the vaccine against COVID-19. I’ve spoken to Local 11 members who say they need a little more time to decide on whether they’ll take it. And then when they say “Yes, I want an appointment,” all the appointment slots are no longer available. Please know that any of the vaccines in the US will help prevent death. Please take the opportunity and say “Yes, I’ll take the vaccine” and make an appointment ASAP.
Stay healthy and safe. There are many who have experienced mental health issues during this time. Please reach out to someone if you are having issues.
Antonio Sanchez