Intelligent Transportation Report — October 2023
There has been a rising demand for electrical workers in the Transportation division. This has provided an opportunity to welcome nearly 50 new apprentices into our trade. Anticipating a promising job outlook, I foresee continual growth in this area. This growth will further bolster the ranks of ITS electricians in our profession. The next meeting for the Intelligent Transportation Systems unit (Unit 66) will be Tuesday, November 21, at 5 p.m. at the ETI.
I recently attended the IBEW Railroad and Government Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida. It was impressive to witness the level of esteem that the IBEW holds for the railroad sector. I’m looking forward to sharing the information gathered at the upcoming unit meeting.
The next Railroad Communication & Signal Maintenance (Unit 17) meeting will be Thursday, December 14, at 5 p.m. at the ETI.
Please feel free to contact me directly at (626) 318-6333 or at
Christopher Longoria