Intelligent Transportation Report — October 2021
Greetings Members,
My hopes of this writing are that you and your families continue to remain safe and diligent in these current times.
Work in Transportation Systems traditionally slows down through the next couple of months, due to the pending Holiday Season. However, we still remain with very few on the Out of Work Book(s), as the majority of the workforce continues to be employed.
In Metrolink Maintenance Contract Work, our membership of Unit 17 Railroad Communication and Signal Maintenance were able to end employment with Mass Electric and take employment with Herzog Contracting Corporation. Herzog is a newly-signed Contractor with Local 11 as of July 1, 2021.
Our members working under the Concrete Coring Agreement received a $2 raise for the period of November 1, 2021 through July 31.2022. Please contact me for further details.
Billboard Electricians have initiated negotiations for their next CBA. We are hopeful to negotiate an agreement that benefits our members working under it.
Please be safe and I wish you happy holidays
Patrick Owens
Business Representative
626 255-2706