Veterans Report — June 2021
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Business Manager Joel Barton and Director of Veterans Affairs Mike Kufchak were recognized by the El Rio De Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative for helping erect a Veterans Memorial at the El Rio De Los Angeles State Park on Memorial Day. The memorial recognizes all veterans who have fallen in combat. IBEW Local 11 partnered with ESSCO Electric for the development of the project which included donating the labor for the erection of lighting that will be fixed upon the national flag.
Local 11 will be holding our local-wide picnic this year at the Hollywood Sports Park on Oct 9. After more than a year of isolation due to the pandemic, we look forward to mixing with our membership. More information will follow.
Military Service Members are now being offered an opportunity to enter the electrical construction trades through the Veterans Electrical Entry Program (VEEP). Currently there is one resident VEEP course in the nation, and it is hosted by Local 1547 in Anchorage, Alaska. VEEP permits those military service members who meet qualifications and are within 180 days of the end of their service contracts to attend the course. The course delivers the entire first year of curriculum as established by the Electrical Training Alliance. Upon successful completion and graduation of the course, service members have the opportunity to select a local union within the United States that accepts veterans as direct entry applicants. More information will follow as this program develops.