Unit 9 – Sound & Communications Report — February 2021
There is not a lot going on right now for our contractors. Most began pushing their salesforce and estimators last winter and spring to lock-in the projects that would have them to starting in the first part of the year. COVID-19 hit us and delayed the start and financing of many of those projects. The people who sit around and imagine how the future looks were thrown a Kershaw curve with C-19. We have had a few things go our way — Joe Biden, COVID-19 inoculation, and economists predicting that the “boom” to our economy is about to begin. Get all those “honey do” chores taken care of, take the classes and get your certs because our time in the tunnel is growing shorter and the light that shines so brightly is part of the computer network.
A hearty “Welcome” to our new members, many taking their oaths and getting sworn in at our General Informational Zoom meetings. Our Unit Zoom meetings are equally eventful with Local 11 Business Manager Joël Barton and President Rusty Roten taking part in the meetings and answering questions from the membership.
Many of our members have questions regarding our CBA and I would remind everyone that our agreement and current rate sheet can be found on the Local 11 website, www.ibew11.org , on the “Contracts” page. Read it, download it onto your phone, and if you have questions and need help understanding what something means, shoot me an email at cwebb@ibew11.org . I’ll answer or find the answer to your questions.
Please remember, our Unit meetings are the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM. Grab a cup of coffee and join us. The invite will be in your “In Box”.
Stay Safe, Play Safe
Chuck Webb
Unit 9 – Sound & Communications Organizing Report
Unit 9 – Sound and Communications has grown these past two and a half years under Business Manager, Joël Barton. We, as a unit, have experienced a growth from 500 members to almost 900 members, which gives us an increase of more than 75% increase in just under three years.
During this devastating pandemic we have persevered and we have collectively contributed to our growth. Many Unit 9 members have had a hand in the process by introducing me to other Sound & Communications personnel or sending me information about contractors. As the organizer for Sound and Communication, I am tasked with organizing throughout all of Los Angeles County. Without your help, dedication, and belief in our great union, our growth in numbers could not have been so high.
We have a deep appreciation both for those loyal veterans and for new signatory contractors that have stuck it out through these trying times. These contractors have needed manpower and have kept many of us working. Although we are a small division within this local, we are larger than many of our sister locals. There is still a great amount of work to be done to increase our numbers and take over the market share in our industry.
I have faith that as long as we band together to help our unorganized brothers and sisters, we will accomplish what we pledged to do as union members: “Organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada.”
Christine Austria-Lozoya
Sound and Communications Organizer