Organizing Report — February 2021
I hope this report finds you and your family healthy and well. We are fast approaching the date of the Contractors Business Course to be held on March 25-27. This business training program is a valuable tool that can assist our members in becoming successful electrical contractors. This course can help you build a business plan, determine start-up costs, teach you to utilize grants, rebates, and tax credits, introduce you to estimating software, educate you on bonding and insurance costs and requirements as well as many other subjects to help you maximize your profitability. Space is limited, so if you are interested, you can email the Organizing department at
I would like to thank those members who have reached out to me with job site locations that our organizers have yet to come across. With your help, we cover a greater area and do it much more efficiently. As always, should you know of an unrepresented electrician out there, please direct them to the organizer of your District or have them email the Organizing Department.
Be safe and stay well,
Robert Corona
Director of Organizing