President’s Message — October 2020
Brothers and Sisters,
As I write this article, the General Elections for our country are just around the corner. As with every election, Union Labor makes recommendations to us all. The candidates and propositions that are recommended are selected to better your working future. If you still have your mail in ballot and haven’t made your selections, please use the recommendation lists that labor provides and get them in to the designated ballot dropoff boxes. If you want to vote in person, read the voter information guide which explains what needs to be done and be sure to bring your mail-in ballot to turn in (in exchange) and vote.
On the topic of voting, several of our contracts have allocations coming up. Since we still cannot get together as a group in a meeting hall because of the pandemic, your local is hosting informational Zoom meetings as the “next best thing” to help us all make a decision that best serve us. The Sound & Communication unit has an allocation and the mail-in ballots have been sent out to that membership group. The return ballots must be received by November 14, 2020, in order to be counted. The results will be e-mail blasted to just that group (Sound and Communication) and posted on the Local 11 website.
As always if you have any questions, please reach out to our local 11 agents or call the main office.
Thank you and Happy Halloween!
Gaylord “Rusty” Roten
Local 11 President