District 5 — October Report
Brothers & Sisters
As we enter Fall, I hope you and your families are well and safe from this ongoing pandemic. District 5 is holding steadfast. Rosendin Electric has the offices and yard set up for the upcoming solar project. CSI Electric has been calling out members for jobs at Lockheed and Northrop. We are continuing to go after more Community Workforce Agreements (CWA’s) throughout the Antelope Valley and beyond. The latest, with the Air Quality Management District, will create more jobs for our members.
We are currently holding a tool drive through Renew in memory of departed brother Deon Watson and a food drive for the upcoming holidays. If you have anything to donate, please do not hesitate to come in. I would like to give a shout out to our Organizer Alton Wilkerson and Manufacturing Representative Kristian Mendoza for doing a great job in all their endeavors and congratulations to our District 5 officer King Moore who not only is a Lancaster Planning Commissioner but recently became Outreach Director for IBEW Local 11. I would like to remind everyone that if you need to take a class for your State Certification renewal, it is done online. We are not hosting any gathering for classes and or meetings currently. You may call the ETI for further information on how to sign up and register.
If any members are interested in a steward’s class, please call District 5 with your information. Do not forget to log on to our virtual Unit 5 meetings now being held on the second Tuesday of every month at 5:00 pm. It is just like you are at the meetings! A special thanks to our officers, stewards and members for all your help and participation in making District 5 the great district it is today! I implore all of you to VOTE! We all matter and every vote counts.
Thank you and God Bless You All!
Mitch Klein