Sound & Communications — February Report
My Sisters & Brothers,
The events of the past few days have been troubling. Not the election, not the Coronavirus, but the fact that many of our brothers and sisters are being taken advantage of, abused and misused.
We are members of this union to protect ourselves and our fellow members from shortcuts that a contractor will take to make a buck. It is up to each and every one of us to know and understand the Collective Bargaining Agreement that we work under. We are learning on a daily basis that the contractors continue to break the rules, working our members on multiple shifts within a work week and paying no overtime, abusing our portability agreement because someone up the food chain wants to do a friend a favor. They are taking money out of your pockets and food off your tables.
You, our members, are the first line of defense in keeping the playing field fair for all contractors. By not reporting a contractor breaking the rules you get abused and they get the money. This cannot go on. The Collective Bargaining Agreement that NECA, representing the contractors, and IBEW Local 11, representing you, our members, can be found on our website, WWW.IBEW11.ORG, by clicking on the CONTRACTS tab. You can download it as a PDF. We want you to know what has been agreed to on your behalf, we do not want you to be abused. Below you will find contact information for your Business Representative and Organizer. Call us, we are here to protect your rights as a member of the IBEW.
On a lighter note, work is good at this writing. Our membership numbers continue to grow with a shrinking out of work list.
Business Rep.
Chuck Webb
Christine Austria-Lozoya
Work Safe, Play Hard