August 9, 2024
Some of the projects in the D2 area: Rosendin/Meadows joint venture project at Harbor UCLA. Currently,…
April 18, 2024
Some upcoming projects in the D2 area are as follows: AES in Long Beach is installing…
December 24, 2023
Happy Holidays to everyone and to your families. I wish you all a great and safe…
August 31, 2023
Brothers & Sisters, Following are a few in-progress projects: Following are upcoming projects: If I haven’t…
June 26, 2023
Here is the current work outlook in the District 2 Area: Upcoming projects: PLA for City…
April 28, 2023
Here is the current project outlook in the District 2 area: Upcoming projects: Harbor UCLA, 5-year…
September 28, 2022
Manpower requests for sound journeyman are coming in slowly but surely. Keep up on certifications that…
August 25, 2022
My Brothers and Sisters, There’s not a lot of change in upcoming or current projects in…