District 3 Report — February 2021
Hello from the Westside,
As we begin to move into 2021 the calls are still a little slow, but as the vaccine continues to roll out, better days are surely ahead. And even though the calls have slowed, there are still plenty of members working here in District 3.
I’ve been going out to job sites to see how the brothers and sisters have been faring, and for the most part, spirits are high in light of our current condition. Hopefully, you have been attending the virtual General and Unit informational meetings from the comfort and safety of your home. If you haven’t received any invitations via email, please contact the Business Manager’s office to make sure they have your latest contact information.
As always, the agents and organizers are out in field doing their best to represent the members they serve. If you need to talk or want us to visit your job site for any reason, please reach out to the agent in the district you’re working in.
In closing, the South Bay Hall located at 2150 West 190th St. will be having an open house on March 5, at 4:30pm. All District 2 and 3 members should have received a postcard informing them. The office will be manned from 7:30 AM until 4:30 PM excluding lunch from noon until 1 PM. We are working feverishly to start dispatching at the beginning or middle of April.
Please stay safe and wear that mask.
Mike Costigan
IBEW Local 11
Business Representative
(310) 503-5337