President’s Message – March 2025
Updates on the Organizing Front
Hello Sisters and Brothers,
I hope this article finds you in good health. I would like to remind everyone that we have a contractor class coming up May 5th through May 9th. If you have any aspirations of becoming a signatory contractor with Local 11 this would be a great class to attend. If you are in the last year of your apprenticeship and the contractor class schedule does not affect your normal apprenticeship school schedule, you are able to attend. Local 11 members have been able to start successful businesses after attending this class. If anyone is interested in this class, please contact our Organizing department for more details at 626-243-9702 or
Also, we have salting opportunities available for Journeymen that are currently on the books. Salting greatly helps our organizing efforts when it comes to organizing non signatory contractors to Local 11. This opens nonunion contractors’ eyes to the level of craftsmanship, production, and professionalism our members bring to a job site. Salting is not an overnight process that creates immediate success. It takes time to cultivate the relationship while building trust and confidence for a non-signatory to make the move to join IBEW. Salting has given out of work journeymen opportunities to financially provide for their families while on the books. Salting has been a part of the IBEW since day one. Our founder Henry Miller never worked for a signatory contractor, he was always a salt, traveling throughout the country preaching the gospel of the IBEW. I am proud of each member who has signed up for this work and showed contractors what IBEW Local 11 members are all about. If you are interested in these opportunities, please reach out to the Organizing department.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone that participated on the IBEW Local 11 flag football team this year. Thank you and all your families for the sacrifices on the weekends at practice and leaving everything you had on the field. It was an honor playing next to you all. Looking forward to taking the field with you Brothers again next year.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to give me a call, text, or email. 661-903-3996
In solidarity,
Alton Wilkerson
IBEW Local 11