President’s Message – April 2024
You Have Great Health Benefits. Use Them.
Brothers and Sisters,
Just like keeping up the maintenance on your car or truck is important to making sure it runs well and is there when you need it, so too it is equally important for you to get regular check ups to maintain your own health.
Many of us don’t think twice about getting annual inspections for our vehicles. We check to see that the tires are properly inflated, not overly worn or too thin. That the brakes are good. True, not all of us do this. Some of us wait until something breaks down. And then we pay a steep price to get it fixed.
The same thing applies to your health. Getting regular check ups can avert problems later.
IBEW 11 has worked very hard to provide you with excellent health benefits. You should use them. The insurance providers have factored in the cost of annual check ups. They would rather pay (and happily, I might add) for an annual physical and address any issues that you might be having right then and there instead of waiting until you feel poorly or are hobbling around.
As we get older, our bodies start to wear down and trying to keep everything in working order gets more and more challenging. Think about this: if your family has a history of heart problems, getting an annual check up can prevent or reduce the chance of you having a major heart attack. Even if your doctor determines surgery to clear out a blockage is necessary, then your operation is scheduled and you’re on your way to better health.
On the other hand, if you ignore this same situation and have a major heart attack, the cost and worry for an emergency surgery can be astronomical and it takes longer to heal. So please, use your benefits. Take care of yourself. Take care of your family. Hopefully doing so will reap long term happiness and satisfaction.
As always if you have any questions, call the health trust. If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to call our offices or reach out to any one of our agents. Thank you.
In Solidarity,
Gaylord R “Rusty” Roten
President IBEW Local 11