District 3 Report – May 2023
May is here, and job calls in District 3 have been slow. But better days are on the horizon. Jobs I have been monitoring include the LAX Runway Relocation project and the LAX Fuel Relocation project. These two projects will be performed by Aldridge and Royal, respectively, and I anticipate calls in the hall for both. Another job I’m keeping an eye on is the Santa Monica High School expansion. Cupertino is there, and they should be calling for manpower soon. On another note, I hope you are one of the many members who sent in a recommendation for our contract negotiations. Our union is only as strong as our members, and participation is critical. In the spring and summer there will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer and participate in one of Local 11’s many activities. Be active. Stay active.
Mike Costigan
District 3 Business Agent