President’s Message – February 2023
Keep Local Work for Local Members
Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to talk to you about visiting members working in local 11 jurisdiction.
When times are good and there’s an abundance of work in our jurisdiction, we are welcoming and allow our visiting brothers and sisters to clear in or sign book 2 and go to work. Because work is plentiful, we’re willing to share.
When times are lean however, the work that’s available is supposed to be for the local members, and our visiting brothers and sisters are supposed to move on or move home. This is the “unwritten rule” of all IBEW members, and it refers more to courtesy and our local hospitality.
The members who have been working side by side with our visitors are supposed to be tactful and respectfully thank them for helping to uphold local 11’s name and urge them to move along and allow the local members to get off the books and back to work in their home area.
Some of our visitors don’t understand or are reluctant to comply. Let your local agents know, and continue to do the best quality work for your employer.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, give the agent a call or call the locals offices.
In Solidarity,
Gaylord R “Rusty” Roten
President IBEW Local 11