Message from the Business Manager – Labor Day 2020

Sisters and Brothers,

It looks like this Labor Day 2020 will be like no other before it. With COVID-19 disrupting all our lives, the Presidential elections and the continuing struggle for social justice, we have a lot on task. For the first time in 40 years, there will not be a Labor Day Parade in Wilmington. Instead, there will be a Labor of Love food distribution at Banning Park. Look to the Local 11 website at for more information. Remember, this is our Holiday and there is to be no work without special permission. Try to enjoy a well-deserved day of rest as best you can.

To view voting recommendations for the upcoming elections, go to IBEW 11 is on a drive to get all our members registered to vote. Our “11 for 11” campaign incorporates membership participation along with rewards for registering members. Contact our Political Director for more information and how to get involved.

Our main goal, along with many other propositions, is to take back the White House. Unions cannot afford another 4 years of the current administration if we are to survive and prosper. If you live in the City of Los Angeles, an important school bond will be on the ballot which will ensure more work in LAUSD. It includes 7 billion dollars’ worth of funds to be used for the modernization of schools. Please get involved as politics has everything to do with our way of life. All gains made through negotiations or legislation can be wiped out with a swipe of a pen.

The Local Union continues to employ a full-time instructor for the benefit of our members. 15 Construction Wireman have had classes in conduit bending and motor control to help them excel in the trade. Congratulations to those who came 2 nights a week after work for 5 weeks to further their career. We are still trying to catch up all those who have not received an upgrade and should be paid for their advancement. Your patience is greatly appreciated, and we will work to get you back on track. The main thing I would ask all CE/CW’s is to make sure you have your LA-QSP (OSHA-30) and are current in First Aid/CPR. We had our first ever zoom meeting with you a few Saturdays and I look forward to another in September. The ETI has been finalizing remote training but anticipates opening for hands on training and final exams September 21, 2020.

We have not had a General Membership meeting since March, and I do not see one soon. The International Union has not approved any zoom or web-ex meetings at this time and the State of California still forbids any meetings involving 10 or more participants. Unit meetings can be conducted virtually, and we hope to start in October so we can conduct some form of a meeting. The Local Union Trustees are anticipating a zoom meeting on October 5th at 5pm for updates on our Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution and Health Plans. Our Administrator, Actuary and professionals will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

In closing, have a blessed, safe and enjoyable Labor Day.

In Solidarity,
Joël Barton

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