Manufacturing Report – February 2023
Hello, all. I hope all is well with you and your families. There are a few key events underway on the Industrial and Manufacturing side. First, I want to welcome Dominic Ellis as Kinkisharyo Unit 1710 steward. At Kinkisharyo Unit 1710 things are picking up. They have started the hiring process and will hold a job fair at the end of February.
At Covanta Unit 15 things are also moving along. I have met with the negotiations committee twice, and we are looking forward to bargaining starting March 22.
I have also been meeting with our affiliates at the Supervisor Association Metropolitan Water District. We are nearing the end of negotiations and hope to have a contract for those members in the very near future.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any Manufacturing or Industrial questions or concerns at 661-965-0288 or at
In Solidarity,
Kristian Mendoza
Business Agent