Intelligent Transportation Report — February 2023
Greetings, brothers and sisters. I hope this report finds you well.
The demand for skilled and trained ITS Electrical Workers is in high demand. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has many high-dollar projects in progress as well as almost $2-$3 billion worth of future work scheduled for bid. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) also has a long list of infrastructure improvement projects scattered throughout the county. In addition, there are millions of contract dollars associated with the Project Labor Agreements (PLA) program; this agreement effectively supports our fight to ensure all electrical work is conducted by IBEW members.
For further information, please attend our monthly ITS meeting on the third Tuesday of every month at 5 p.m. Additionally, you can reach me directly at (626) 318-6333 or email me at
Christopher Longoria