Intelligent Transportation Report — June 2022
Hello to all of you,
Now that summer is upon us, please be mindful of the changes in the environment where you are working. With summer heat, remember to take adequate time out of the sun to cool off and stick to the recommendations regarding your intake of water. Stay cool and stay hydrated.
The work picture has remained sluggish, but we are expecting a few projects to make manpower requests. Overall, much of the membership is working.
I would like to introduce Brother Chris Longoria. Chris will be replacing me as I move forward into retirement. Some of you may already know Chris, and some of you may be meeting him for the first time. Please welcome Chris. He will do an exceptional job.
We are currently in contract negotiations and will have additional information soon. Please monitor your emails and snail mail for current information.
We soon will be passing the first year of our Railroad Communication and Signal Maintenance Agreement with HERZOG Contracting, and I am pleased to report that all things “Railroad” are in good shape.
In closing I wish everyone a safe and sane Fourth of July holiday and a very relaxing summer.
Patrick Owens