District 5 Report — June 2022
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
As we enter the summer, we are currently holding our own. The calls in District 5 have subsided somewhat but we have a few projects coming up.
Antelope Valley College is continuing work with more jobs going out to bid. The Antelope Valley Transit Authority is working several projects and work continues at Antelope Valley Hospital.
Hot off the press, CSI Electric is getting ready to start a 225 MW Battery Storage and solar project which will be part Local 11 and Local 428 combined.
District 5 recently held elections for unit officers. The membership elected Chairman Alfredo Torres, Vice-Chairman Stephen Joyner and Recording Secretary Miguel Sanchez. Thank you and congratulations to our newly-elected officers.
We are still trying to fill our LAQSP class in District 5. If you are interested in taking this class, please call District 5 and get your name on the list. This class will not only cover your 32 hours of ongoing education for state certification, but you will also receive a stipend.
As our Local 11 picnic approaches, please consider attending this great event, and while your there please help District 5 in our kid’s games. It’s a lot of fun and we can use the help. As a reminder, our District 5 Unit meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. Come hear the latest and greatest news and enjoy the camaraderie.
I wish to deeply thank our organizer Beto Gonzales, Business Rep Kris Mendoza and our officers and members of District 5 for all their hard work and participation. This great district would not be if not for all your help. Thank you.
God Bless The IBEW.
Mitch Klein