President’s Message – May 2022
Political Activism Never Ends
Brothers and Sisters,
As your administration proceeds into contract negotiations, I need to inform you about how all that we do influences our negotiating empowerment. More specifically, politics. When election season comes around, all the unions are focused on getting a better work environment for their membership. Who we get elected absolutely affects the number of jobs that go union or not. When we send out recommendations for specific candidates for election, rest assured we have vetted them and their supportive ideals regarding unions and the work they agree to promote. Each and every one of us has individual values on other political matters, but our priorities are jobs – good UNION jobs!
When we ask you to support and vote for our IBEW 11-endorsed candidates (who you will find in our election guide on pages 7-10), we need you to do that! When we ask you to phone-bank for a candidate, we need you to step up and volunteer! When we ask you to appear at a city council or commissions meeting, we need you to do it!
Local 11 has made tremendous progress over the last 20 years and this progress is due in no small part to our political involvement. It doesn’t end. The quest moves on. The newsletter you are reading has a voting guide with a list of candidates recommended in your respective communities. Please vote, and please vote for the candidates we recommend.
Thank you for the privilege to serve. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Respectfully Yours,
Rusty Roten
President/ Senior Assistant Business Manager