District 5 Report — October 2021
Good day Brothers & Sisters,
I hope you and your families are well and safe. We continue to work several projects in the High Desert. We have Ferreira Construction working the 25 MW solar project at Lockheed; Rosendin Electric working the 25 MW solar job in West Lancaster and Sargent Electric working the 125 MW Battery Storage project, to name a few.
If you are interested in taking classes in District 5, please contact us to get your name on our list. All classes here count toward your ongoing education hours for your State Certification.
Our annual Local 11 union-wide picnic was a great success. Many hours and hard work go into this event and I would personally like to thank our wonderful volunteers and officers for everything they do: Jacqueline Torres, Beto Gonzales, Sharon Gonzales, Emily Gonzales, Leslie Gonzales, Mario Gonzales, Stephen Joyner, Alexis Joyner, Byron Gonzalez, Sandra Gonzalez, Isabel Gonzalez, Sebastian Gonzalez, Chris Bonifillo, Kim Klein, Eva Klein, Al Lopez, Alfredo Torres, King Moore, Mike Kaminski, Dion Jensen, Miguel Sanchez and Ron Dreiling.
Don’t forget our annual District 5 Holiday party will be on Tuesday, December 14 and will include fun for the whole family. Just a reminder our Unit 5 meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 5 pm.
Thank you again to all our District 5 family, friends, and officers for all your help, hard work and participation. In Solidarity,
Mitch Klein