No on Recall — IBEW 11 Members Speak Out:
Governor Newsom has helped and supported IBEW 11 in so many ways. He has been a proponent of racial diversity and we’re really pleased to see that’s having a good effect on our members, our customers and contractors.
The governor made us essential workers during the pandemic. Because of him we were able to work, put food on the table, pay our rent, our mortgages and provide for our children. My son has MS (multiple sclerosis). Because of the governor, I have insurance and can provide for my son. Without his medication, I don’t know what his longevity is going to be. I can’t take the chance of someone else coming in with an anti-worker agenda.
We need to defeat this misguided recall. If he’s recalled, we will lose everything. Governor Newsom has done so much for IBEW across the state. The future is the green economy and he’s helped create good paying union jobs for us electricians. He supported us during COVID. He deemed us as essential workers and kept us safe on the job. He has had our backs and now it’s time for us to have his back.
Right now the right wing is very opportunistic – using COVID to try to replace our pro-union Governor with a conservative anti-union right-winger. This fight is essential to us as unionists. We are the last line of defense for working folks. Period. Politicians come and go but we’re the lasting institutions in this country. Our union continues to help the local economy. We were able to finish work on essential projects that are crucial to make LA run.
One of the monumental things Governor Newsom did is he kept me and my members working so that we could support our families. It doesn’t get bigger than that. We were earmarked essential workers because we do all of this construction on public and private projects all over LA County — the Metro projects, all of the community colleges, all of the high schools. And we have to keep that going. Our members keep the County running and Newsom supports us.
I’m against the recall because I want to keep these right-wing anti-union people from taking power. Newsom believes in working people. He’s for unions and for a better standard of living for all of us. He believes that everyone deserves a chance and that we’re all in this together. That’s why I want us to do everything we can to keep him as governor. We really are essential workers. You can’t stop electrical work from continuing during the pandemic, especially when you have all these outages and shortages.
We are backing Governor Newsom because he really had our back, especially during the pandemic. He gave us new protocols that allowed us to work safely and take precautions. He took care of us. I give him kudos for stepping up and having our backs.