President’s Message — April 2021
Brothers and Sisters,
Here we are in April and as spring historically has been the starting point of warmer days, it has also been the time when job calls begin to pick up. Economists predicted that as the COVID-19 vaccinations were distributed, the sooner our economy would likely get back to normal. Well, we are seeing our job calls picking up and our members are getting the vaccinations.
The number on the books is declining and our state-wide economy is scheduled to completely open up on June 15. All I can say is I am happy to see the light at the end of the tunnel and everyone’s lives returning to normal. I hope that all of our members and their families have weathered this storm and are able to resume their lives and work for a better tomorrow. We have a lot to look forward to, and with the construction market still holding strong and our government planning for infrastructure investment, our long-term future is very promising.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our agents or call the main office and we’ll do our best to answer them. As always, I thank you for the privilege to serve this great local.
Gaylord “Rusty” Roten