District 1 North Report — April 2021
Brothers and Sisters
Greeting from District One North. I hope this report finds you and your families well.
As more and more vaccine appointments for our members and families become available, please make sure you take advantage of this opportunity that Joëland Antonio Sanchez have worked hard to secure for all of us. Even after being vaccinated, please proceed with caution.
We have smaller projects ongoing in the area, but a few high/mid rise buildings are coming to Hollywood and Koreatown. We are also seeing more HHH housing in the area. Hollywood Presbyterian and Kaiser Hollywood Hospitals are still progressing.
The Morrow-Meadows project on Vermont in Koreatown has wound down and I want to extend a thank you to Ronald Chapman for being thesSteward on this project.
Stay safe and be well. Always feel free to reach out via email, phone or text.
It has been and remains an honor to represent you.
In solidarity,
Brett Moss
Business Representative
(626) 379-0651 (cell)
(626) 652-7036 (office)