District 2 Report — January 2021
My Brothers and Sisters,
I hope everyone is staying safe out there. This the slow season for us (and the rainy season is here too). Calls are still rolling in and hopefully over the next few weeks, work will start to pick back up.
District 2 has projects going on at both Long Beach City College Campuses, at Cal State University, Long Beach, at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, at Compton Community College and at multiple LAUSD sites. We are blessed here at IBEW Local 11 to still be deemed as essential workers so we can continue to man projects and keep the members working.
The new South Bay Hall at 2150 W. 190th St. In Torance is moving along nicely. The projected grand opening will be in early March with the anticipation of dispatching from that site by the end of March.
Many sites are now requiring weekly onsite Covid testing to ensure the safety of everyone on the work sites. The staff here at Local 11 is also testing frequently so we can continue with the daily business of the Local.
If there are any issues on jobsites in D2, if you need some IBEW face masks, stickers, or if you just want to vent or talk, give me a call and I’ll come on out.
As always, it is my honor and privilege to serve as your D2 Agent.
Gary Tomlin
Business Agent – District 2
Office: (626) 449-8112
Cell: (626) 375-5721