Unit 14 Civil Service — December Report
Sisters and Brothers, I hope this report finds you healthy and in good spirits. COVID-19 has wreaked havoc among our Civil Service members due to a lack of revenue for our public agencies. We must remain vigilant to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
LAUSD: The District is implementing mandatory COVID-19 testing for all our members. You must test to work. That is a management right held in the public sector. We have had some issues with the consent forms, but we are working on the language. You do not have to sign the forms, but you must then go to your own provider to take the test. I hope to have more information soon.
LA County: The County is still threatening layoffs and is unwilling to negotiate. Fortunately, we recently learned that their fiscal budget is larger than anticipated, which means that we might be able to avoid layoffs altogether.
LA City: We have successfully pushed off the furloughs once again. The new date for implementation is January 17, 2021. Of course, we will be negotiating until then and identifying savings for the city so that we can avoid furloughs altogether.
MOU 35: I recently received information that the Controller’s office is finally processing the sick leave payouts that our members have been patiently waiting for. As soon as I have a hard date, I will let you know.
Lastly, I would like to invite you and your shop to schedule a Zoom meeting with me so that I can hear your concerns directly and as a group. Please feel free to contact me on my cell phone at (626) 712-4769. or email me at arida@ibew11.org.
Luis Arida
Civil Service Business Representative