Message from the Business Manager: Equity For All
“Our cause is the cause of human justice, human rights, human security.”
– Declaration of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
Sisters & Brothers,
It has been two weeks since the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and we stand with the millions of Americans demanding a full investigation and prosecution of those responsible for his murder. We must honor Mr. Floyd’s life and the lives of those that suffered a similar fate before him by continuing to demand not just equality for all, but equity.
IBEW Local 11 will continue to push for targeted hire practices that give African Americans not just entry into our electrical trade, not just the knowledge to thrive on the construction sites and in the classroom, but also pathways to leadership in decision-making processes in the field and in the local.
The looting and destruction that Los Angeles suffered was shameful, but the civil protest was, and continues to be, inspiring. Let us not forget that the Labor movement was built and is strengthen by activism. It is our hope that we take this energy to not only encourage our neighbors to complete their 2020 Census form but register to vote and bring about change in November. In addition, we must also reform the institutions that continue to perpetuate the systemic racism that plagues this country.
Our union will never tolerate dictatorship or oppression of any kind.
Black Lives Matter.
Joel Barton
Business Manager