From the President — April 2020
My IBEW 11 family, what a test of our resolve we’re having. You all have been very responsible for slowing the rate of getting COVID-19 and also working safely on the job. This whole process is also slowing the number of jobs available by delaying new job/project starts. The Business Manager and I have been very active in trying to manage the daily changes (and questions) you all are experiencing.
Our local has also been very active in assisting in the distribution of the “Food Bank” giveaways. If you or your family are in need of food assistance, please contact one of the Agents or our local offices for the next giveaway.
The next Inside Wireman’s contract allocation is coming up soon. We’re looking at a mid-May special called meeting (if social gatherings are approved to take place). If large social gatherings are still banned then we will come up with some other way to communicate with you all and democratically decide how to allocate the next raise.
The ETI is working diligently on re-establishing training classes (online) and getting the apprentices back on track. Look for their notifications (in all social medias) for the new changes.
As always, if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the local offices.
Stay Safe! In Solidarity,
Rusty Roten
Rusty Roten
President / Sr. Asst. Bus. Mgr.