District 4 — December Report (2018)
Greetings from The San Fernando and The Santa Clarita Valleys.
We had a great turn out at our annual holiday party on Dec. 4. The delicious food was once again provided by “Captain BBQ”. Our grand prize was a huge tray of cooked ribs donated by “The Captain”, and it was won by our own David Campos who offered to share his winnings.
We have several projects just starting at the Community Colleges in the area. If you see a new project in the area, give me a call and I will check it out. It may be a union project, or an organizing opportunity.
When you sign up for an ETI class, request that the class be held in District 4. When enough people have signed up for a class, one will be scheduled here.
I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.
Our January Unit Meeting will be held on Jan. 8 instead of the usual first Tuesday due to New Year’s Day.
Marc Greenfield