These rules apply to all Books within a classification and are under the sole authority, control, and interpretation of the Business Manager of IBEW Local 11.
Apprentices of any classification shall be assigned jobs by the JAC and are not governed by these Rules except as noted.
The Dispatch Office may ask Applicants to show proof of identity and classification before permitting the signing and/or referral from any ‘Out of Work Register’ (Book).
- All orders for manpower will be received and recorded by the personnel ONLY in the Metro Dispatch office, by fax (323-726-0623) to the Metro Dispatch Office on the approved form for that purpose or, by submission to the Local 11 Contractor web portal (ibew11.org).
- All job calls received by 6:30 A.M. will be posted each morning of a normal business day.
- The posted ‘Manpower Requests’ (Jobs) shall indicate which Jobs are ‘Strikeable’ Jobs.
- Specialty Calls, (Welder, NETA Tester, Cable Splicer, Instrumentation Technician) or calls with special requirements shall be so stated, by the employer, when placing a manpower order.
- ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) and the ‘DAYBOOK’ shall include an Applicant’s number of ‘STRIKES’ & ‘Short Call Hours’ used since last signing the bottom of a book.
- All Strikable job calls received after business hours will not be subject to strikes the first day posted and will be Strikeable thereafter.
2. DAYBOOK REFERRAL (Inside, Civil Service, Construction Electrician, Construction Wireman, Maintenance, Material Handler, Residential, Sound & Communication and Intelligent Transportation Systems)
- Local 11 is on a Daybook system. All applicants who are currently registered on the out of workbook, must sign the DAY BOOK by 8 A.M. each and every day they want to be available for work.
- You may sign the Daybook two ways – either in person or on the Local 11 website.
- Signing MUST be done by 8am regardless of what method you use.
- Daybook signing on our website can be done as early as 12:01am and is recommended you try as early as possible. If for whatever reason (bad connection, problem with your device,website issues, etc.…) you are unable to sign on the website YOU are responsible to be in our office before 8am to sign the Daybook in person.
- Be sure to follow all the prompts. Enter the District you will be present in when it asks what district you will be at for dispatch.
- To sign the Daybook in person you must sign the clipboard at the Dispatch counter before 8am; print your name, card number or last four digits of your social security number.
- This is YOUR responsibility; if for any reason you fail to make yourself available before 8am we will NOT be able to dispatch you.
- Window dispatching will commence at 8:30 A.M.
- Prior to Dispatch (8:30 A.M.) Applicants are responsible to verify that their chronological order (original sign-in date & time) and availability status on the ‘DAY BOOK’ is correct. Applicants must notify the Dispatcher of any errors. If Applicant fails to notify the Dispatcher of errors, prior to dispatch, the Union will assume that the DAYBOOK(s) are correct for that day’s dispatch.
- ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books), reflecting all Applicants, will be updated and printed for review after dispatch has been completed, but only for the classification(s) that had Job Calls for that day.
- When an Applicant’s name and Daybook Number are called the Applicant is personally responsible to immediately notify the Dispatcher of the ‘Job Call’ desired.
- Any Applicant for employment accepting a job referral and failing to report for work either immediately after being dispatched or by the reporting date/time specified by the employer on the referral slip, shall re-sign at the bottom of all ‘Out-Of-Work Registers’ (Books) in his/her proper Group. Group number, date and time of dispatch and reporting date and time shall be noted on each referral.
- The Dispatcher will not make telephone calls to contact Applicants on ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books), except:
*for Emergency Dispatch as referenced in Rule 6 below
*as referenced in Rule 4 (e) below, Transportation Systems, Sound & Communications, Material Handler, Inspector, Construction Electrician and Construction Wireman. - All Applicants for employment must register in the appropriate Group that they had previously qualified for, provided they remain qualified for that Group.
(1) When placing a manpower order the employer shall so state when seeking applicants for a) “Specialty Calls”: Welder, NETA Tester, Cable Splicer, Instrumentation Technician or b) Special Requirement Calls, such as: RSO, LA QSP, TWIC, CALCTP, EVITP, NFPA70E, OSHA 10, OSHA 30, Lead, Asbestos certification(s) or c) requiring background check or specific drug testing (other than the NECA-IBEW program) or any other specific requirement.- The Union shall only refer Applicants to the above orders who possess the documentation, (recognized certification) at the time of referral, necessary to provide reasonable assurance of abilities requested by the employer.
- Applicants that are referred to any specialty call or special requirement call and who fail to meet the posted requirements shall be required to sign at the bottom of ALL ‘Out of Work Registers’ (Books).
*Example: An Applicant takes a job call requiring a background check and/or Drug Screening and does not pass shall sign the bottom of all books qualified for.
- Applicants who register on the ‘Out of Work’ Book between 7:30 A.M. and 7:45 A.M. AND sign on the DAYBOOK will be available for referral that day. No Applicant may sign any Book during Window Dispatch.
- Applicants may change their status to “available” if not currently on “A” status ONLY between 7:30 A.M. and 7:45 A.M. All other Book status changes may be requested after Window Dispatch is completed, until 4:30 P.M., except during the posted lunch break.
- Applicants may register on the ‘Out of Work’ Book after Window Dispatch is completed, until 4:30 P.M., except during the posted lunch break.
- Applicants may register and sign the Day Book and/or accept job referrals in the Dispatch Area Office most convenient to them.
- New Applicants must first comply with Rule #3, below. First time Referrals of new Applicants must be processed ONLY at the Metro Dispatch Office. Applicants may be required to provide valid identification prior to being issued a referral.
Any new Applicant for employment must show verifiable proof of having attained the requirements of the Group the Applicant wishes to qualify for. This must be done between the hours of 1:30 P.M. and 3:30 P.M. in the METRO DISPATCH OFFICE ONLY. Initial sign-in requires, where applicable, a signed letter of introduction from their home local business manager.
- Applicants on all ‘Out-of-Work Books, (not including those classifications that are dispatched by telephone – See Rules 4(e) and 6 below), shall receive a strike (passed call) for any strikeable job offer that is not accepted, subject to these Rules, regardless of the Applicant’s availability for dispatch, except as noted in Rule 4(d).
- The ‘DAYBOOK’ (Applicants reporting for dispatch) is not to be confused with the ‘Out-of- Work Books (Applicants registered for work).Example: An Applicant is number 48 on Book 1 but fails to report or sign-in for that day’s dispatch (Daybook). Number 62 fills the last strikeable job call. In this case number 48 will receive a strike. If there are unfilled strikeable calls, strikes will be issued to the end of the Out- of-Work Books. This applies to all classifications except Apprentices.
- Applicants on any ‘Out-of-Work Register’ (Book) upon receiving his/her 3rd strike shall be removed only from the ‘Out-of-Work Register’ (Book) for which the Applicant passed a posted job call regardless of the Applicant’s ‘DAYBOOK’ registration.
- Applicants Shall Not Receive a “strike” for the following:
- Swing or Graveyard shift calls
- Registered as ‘U’ (Union Business) or ‘M’ (Military Leave) or ‘V’ (vacation status up to 2 weeks per calendar year in 1week increments) on any ‘Out of Work Register’ (Book);
- Job Calls requiring special skills (as defined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement) such as Welder, Cable Splicer, Instrument Tech, NETA Certified;
- Job Calls having Special Requirements, such as: Welder, NETA Tester, Cable Splicer, Instrumentation Technician or b) Special Requirement Calls, such as: RSO, LA QSP, TWIC, CALCTP, EVITP, NFPA70E, OSHA 10, OSHA 30, Lead, Asbestos certification(s) or c) requiring background check or specific drug testing (other than the NECA-IBEW program) or any other specific requirement
- Verified legal requests by employers on jobs requiring specific Applicants, such as zip-code specific residency;
- Job Calls determined by the Local Union that require a unique, specific, special need;
- Job Calls from the Emergency Job Call list.
- Rejection from the contractor.
- Classifications that are dispatched by telephone:
- The following classifications are dispatched by telephone AND are required to sign a DAYBOOK each day an applicant wishes to be available for work.Construction Electrician, Construction Wireman, Inspector, Intelligent Transportation Systems Wireman & Technician, Material Handler and Sound & Communication.
- However, the following shall constitute a ‘strike’ for the above Applicants regardless of an Applicant’s number on the ‘Out-of-Work Register’ (Book):
Passing a call (refusing a job);
Busy telephone signal;
Answering Machine/Voice Mail responding to the call; Unavailability at the time of call;
Inaccurate or incorrect telephone numbers.ALL OTHER ‘3 STRIKE’ RULES APPLY TO TELEPHONE DISPATCH
- All Applicants (except new Applicants) must present a ‘Termination Notice’ from their last employer and proper identification when registering on any ‘Out-of-Work Register’ (Book);
- Applicants who fail to provide a ‘Termination Notice’ shall be considered to have received a ‘Termination for Cause’ (TFC) from their last employer, if the Applicant’s last employment was the result of a referral by IBEW Local 11.
- If the Applicant’s last employment was the result of a referral by IBEW Local 11 to the Applicant’s last employer and the last employer failed to give the Applicant a ‘Termination Notice’, IBEW Local 11 shall make reasonable efforts to secure an Applicant’s ‘Termination Notice’ from the employer.However, this does not excuse the Applicant if Local 11 is unsuccessful.
- Applicants who receive 2 ‘Terminations for Cause’ (TFC) within a 12-month period shall not be eligible to sign any ‘Out-of-Work Register’ (Book) for referral to another employer until they have been referred to the Appeals Committee for the Committee’s review and determination of future eligibility for referral and registration on any ‘Out-of-Work Register’ (Book).
- Applicants may file an Appeal to the Appeals Committee per the Article(s) & Section(s) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement applicable to the ‘Classification’ of the Applicant.
- Should the Appeal of an Applicant be upheld by the Appeals Committee, the Applicant shall be restored to his/her place on all ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) the Applicant signed when last registering and is qualified for.
The Business Manager is responsible to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by the employers. An Emergency Dispatch is one which is a serious situation or occurrence that happens suddenly and/or unexpectedly and demands immediate action, such as, but not limited to blowups, explosions and fires.
- Emergency dispatch will commence with the first available Applicant, who has registered for Emergency Dispatch, and whose number is the first number after the last number dispatched to a regular job call during the last normal dispatch.*Example: An employer calls dispatch stating they have an emergency need for manpower after Dispatch has completed. Number 200 on the ‘Out of Work Register’ (Book) was the last Applicant dispatched to the last regular (no special requirement) job posted. In this case Emergency dispatch would start at number 201. Only applicants who are available and registered for ‘Emergency Work’ will be referred and will be referred in their chronological order on the Emergency Job Call List.
- Applicants dispatched to an Emergency Job Call must re-sign the Book(s) within 1 business day after the Emergency Job has been completed.
- Applicants will retain their original place on the ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) only if they have been ‘Laid Off’ from the Emergency Job Call.
- Termination for any other reason, including quitting or failing to re-sign within 1 business day shall result in the applicant being removed from all “out of work registers” (books).
- The applicant shall be required to re-sign in order to place themselves on the bottom of all “out of work registers” (books) in their proper group.
- Applicants dispatched to an Emergency call shall not work on any other project or accept any transfer to another project. The employer shall not transfer or request any Applicant to transfer to another project who was dispatched to an Emergency job call.
- Any Applicant for employment who is referred to a job or jobs, and works a cumulative total of 120 hours or less and is laid off (Reduction in Force) through circumstances beyond their control, subject to verification, shall be restored to their appropriate chronological place on all ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) within their qualifying Group as indicated on their registration form at the time of re-sign.
- In order to qualify for restoration on all ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) the Applicant must report to a dispatch office by the end of the next dispatch day following termination, with his/her last employer’s termination slip stating a ‘Reduction in Force’ and all check stubs showing total hours worked.
- Short calls do not apply to applicants dispatched as General Foreman or Foreman, see Rule 9
An Applicant who is referred to an employer and is rejected through circumstances beyond their control, must have the referral slip marked “Rejected” and signed and dated by the employer’s representative, and report to a Dispatch office to re-sign the ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) prior to the close of the next regular dispatch day following their rejection in order to retain their place on the ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books).
- When a signatory employer desires to hire a specific person as a Foreman or General Foreman, based upon a bona fide need for a particular person’s ability, the employer shall request in writing to have such a person referred to the job site, provided the person’s name appears on Group I on the ‘Out-of-Work Register’ (Book), is available on the Daybook (where applicable) and otherwise meets all requirements for dispatch.
- This request must be submitted to the Metro Office Dispatcher prior to the Applicant being referred. When the Applicant returns from employment, they shall sign the bottom of all the ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) they qualify for.
- The following information must be included in such a request and must be on company letterhead:
Agreement covering the work: (Inside, Traffic, Residential, Sound, etc.); Job Name;
Job location (Address: Street #, City, State, and Zip Code);
Nature of work involved;
Number of workers to be supervised; Length of job;
Name of Applicant requested;
Union card number AND/OR the last four (4) digits of the Applicant’s Social Security number; Date Applicant is requested to be referred;
Name of person authorized to make the request;
Phone number where authorized person can be reached, outside of office hours.
Apprentices shall be referred or transferred in accordance with the apprenticeship provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the parties.
- All Applicants for employment, when registered, will remain registered until such time as they accept a job referral or fail to comply with the above rules, or the following Roll Call/Re- sign Procedures. Re-signs will require the following information: name, address, home local number and IBEW card number or if not a union member a driver’s license or government approved ID.
- All Groups, except Apprentices, shall Roll Call/Re-sign monthly beginning on the 10th and ending on the 16th of each month between 7:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., except during dispatch or lunch. Updated ‘Out-of-Work Registers’ (Books) will be in effect the first normal workday following the Roll Call/Re-Sign period.
- Failure to Roll Call/Re-Sign will result in the Applicant’s name being removed from all ‘Out- of-Work Registers’ (Books).
Roll Call/Re-Sign may be accomplished either in person, or online at the Local 11 Website: www.ibew11.org. - Exemptions from requirement to ROLL CALL/RE-SIGN:
- VACATION (V) status
- Roll Call/Re-sign will not be accepted by fax, email, telephone or any manner other than IN PERSON OR ON THE LOCAL 11 WEBSITE.
All Applicants for employment must be in compliance with the IBEW-NECA Drug Free Partnership Program to be eligible for referral under this Dispatch Procedure.
All Applicants are required to be familiar with the IBEW-NECA Drug Free Partnership Program. Copies of the Program are available at all Local 11 offices.
Non-compliance includes having a prescription for a drug that is not approved by the federal government.