IBEW Local 11 Campaigns
Vote ‘NO!’ On the Anti-Union Recall!

Out-of-state millionaires who want to roll back worker protections in California are funneling big money into a campaign to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 14. We are urging all IBEW 11 members who care about their jobs and their futures to vote “NO!”. If these anti-union forces are successful, we’ll lose many of the hard-fought gains we’ve made on higher wages, job creation and safety on the job.
The recall backers are part of a national network of anti-union interests that includes billionaire and millionaire funders who attack prevailing wages, project labor agreements, union jobs, pensions, minimum wage laws and voting rights. Under Gov. Newsom, we’ve secured major gains for IBEW members: project labor agreements, health and safety protection, electric vehicle infrastructure and higher wages. All these are at risk if the recall goes through.
You should have received your ballot in the mail. If you didn’t, call 916/653-6814 for a new one. Don’t be fooled by these anti-union special interests. Be sure to Vote “NO” on this misguided and wasteful recall! For more information at what’s at stake go to: www.NoAntiWorkerRecall.com.
Need Convincing?
Here’s 7 Great Reasons To Vote No On The Recall

Jobs Sustained During Pandemic
Gov. Newsom designated our union and other Building Trades as essential workers so we could feed our families, while many industries were shut down.

Key Political Appointments Made
Gov. Newsom appointed key pro-union members to the PUC, Contractors State Licensing Board and other commissions that we can’t afford to lose.

Clean Energy Jobs Created
Gov. Newsom has signed pro-worker bills prioritizing clean energy jobs that pay prevailing wages.

EV Infrastructure Expanded Dramatically
Gov. Newsom expanded the State’s EV Infrastructure, plus included $1 Billion for new charging stations, all covered by prevailing wages.

Proudly Standing With Workers
Gov. Newsom has expanded sick leave, signed legislations to crack down on corporations cheating workers of basic protections and our ability to join a union.

Union-Hating Millionaires Contributed $15 Million to Recall
A national network of anti-worker Millionaires and Billionaires have contributed Big Bucks to this campaign to attack your prevailing wages, PLAs, pensions, and more. Check out the list here.

Say ‘NO!’ to Rolling Back Workers Protections
Don’t be fooled. This recall is backed by people who only care about increasing their profits at your expense. Vote ‘NO!’ on this Anti-worker Recall.
No! on Recall Solidarity!
Special Message from IBEW 11
Volunteers Needed
In addition to voting NO on the recall, we need your help contacting other union members and urging them to vote no. IBEW Local 11 has committed to phone banking every Tuesday until Election Day.