Sound & Communications — September Report

Sound & Communications — September Report

September 13, 2020
What a summer. A pandemic right in the middle of the biggest work boom we’ve
Sound & Communications — August Report

Sound & Communications — August Report

August 26, 2020
The job calls have slowed down, and some of our members are coming back from their…
Sound & Communications — July Report

Sound & Communications — July Report

July 30, 2020
Brothers and Sisters, It would appear that all of those little wires add up to quite…
Sound & Communications — June Report

Sound & Communications — June Report

July 1, 2020
Sound & Comm Brothers and Sisters, Most of this was written back in March, but I…
Sound & Communications — May Report

Sound & Communications — May Report

May 28, 2020
Sound & Comm Brothers and Sisters, Wow, what a ride. The first part of this year…
Sound & Communications — April Report

Sound & Communications — April Report

April 27, 2020
Sisters and Brothers, As I write this, final preparations are being made to mail the members…
Sound & Communications — March Report

Sound & Communications — March Report

March 30, 2020
Over the many years I have spent in this industry there have been challenges faced and…
Sound & Communications — February Report

Sound & Communications — February Report

February 26, 2020
My Sisters & Brothers, The events of the past few days have been troubling. Not the…
Sound & Communications — January Report

Sound & Communications — January Report

January 30, 2020
Sisters and Brothers, Many of you joined us at the December Sound & Communications Unit Meeting…