Sound & Communications — July Report
The Sound & Communications Unit 9 meeting Saturday, July 13, 2019, saw the election of Bavu Lewis as the Chair, Estefania Yanez-Caballos as the Vice Chair and Citlali “Lali” Castillo as Recording Secretary.
There were lively debates throughout the meeting and President Rusty Roten spoke to the members present about the Inside Wiremen’s negotiations and the upcoming S&C negotiations.
Decisions are being made to have a booth and sell our Local 11 S&C t-shirts at the Picnic. If you are interested in purchasing one of the beautiful T’s, contact Bavu Lewis at
On the website you will soon be able to find the forms to fill out in order to make contract change suggestions. These forms will go a long way in helping us understand your feelings and any changes that you would like to see take place in our contract negotiations. Members of the Negotiating Committee will soon be assigned by President Roten, if you are interested in serving on the committee shoot me an email with you contact info.
Remember to keep your certs up to date, the work picture is great for our certified members.
Work safe, play hard,
Chuck Webb