Manufacturing Report – July 2022
Hello all. I just want to say a few words on the manufacturing and industrial front. We are currently still in negotiations with Kinkisharyo for our second contract. The company has been very difficult, and we are using all our resources to make sure our members in Palmdale receive the contract they deserve. I would like to thank the members at Kinkisharyo for being patient during this time and throw out a huge thank you to Dominic Ellis for helping with the process.
With Covanta, it has been very quiet. We are working diligently with the company and the City of Long Beach to keep our members working and fighting against a legislative bill that would possibly shut the facility down. In the coming months, we will start negotiations again, so keep your ears open for more information.
If you have any questions about Local 11’s Manufacturing and Industrial department, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.
As always, thank you for the opportunity to serve this great local and its members.
In Solidarity,
Kristian Mendoza
Business Agent