Inside Wiremen, Traffic Signal Wiremen and Railroad Signalers Vote on Allocation
Allocation votes have been tallied for the Inside Wiremen, Traffic Signal Wiremen and Railroad Signalers classifications.
In each classification, Option A was the winner.
The vote broke down as follows:
Of the 1,460 votes cast by Inside Wireman, 1,010 voted for Option A:
$1.50 to wages
$.35 to D.C. pension
$.20 to H.R.A.
$.05 to Training
450 voted for Option B.
For Traffic Signal Wiremen, of the 76 ballots cast, 62 voted for Option A:
$1.70 to wages
$.25 to D.C. pension
$.10 to H.R.A.
$.05 to Training
14 voted for Option B.
For Railroad Signalers, all 17 of the 17 votes cast were for Option A:
$1.21 to wages
$.50 to D.C. pension
$.01 to H.R.A.