District 4 Report — March 2025

Brothers and Sisters

Greetings from District Four. I hope this report finds you and your families well.

We have two new Stewards in D4 and both at the Burbank Ariport. Ramon ‘Baby Ray’ Juarez is our Steward for CSI and Tim McArdle is our Steward for GEC2. We should see crews at the Burbank Airport start to increase in number soon.

Work in the area is still slow, but we are seeing an increase in calls with the weather clearing.

A reminder, D4 unit meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month at 5pm at the D4 Hall, please join us. The D4 welfare committee meets the last Tuesday of each month at the D4 Hall, if you need assistance, please contact me.

Stay safe and be well. Always feel free to reach out via email, phone or text.

In solidarity,
Brett Moss

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