Election Results – Runoff June 22!
The election results for IBEW Local Union 11 are below. For those in a runoff, the election votes will be counted on June 22nd.
You should receive your run-off ballot in the mail this week!
Run-Off for President:
Alton Wilkerson
Jaime Sanchez
Run-Off for Vice President:
Larry D. Caldwell
Kelly Oliver
Run-Off for Recording Secretary:
Irene Valenzuela
Christine Austria-Lozoya
Run-Off for Treasurer:
Gary Tomlin
James M Gruen
Run-Off for Business Manager/Financial Secretary:
Robert Corona
Ivan De Herrera, Jr.
Executive Board
John Harriel, Jr.
Gus Alfaro
Armando Gutierrez
Anthy V. Hadjimarkos
Shawn McDonald
Michael Hawkins
Davion Darden
Examining Board
Luis Corona
Gilbert G. Ortiz III
Myra D. Hildreth
Shan Hicksonbottom
Cris Rodriguez
Convention Delegates
Larry Caldwell
John Harriel, Jr.
Shomari Davis
Luis Corona
Irene Valenzuela
Gary Tomlin
Brett Moss
Dannielle Lewis
Gus Alfaro
James M. Gruen
Kelly Oliver (Alternate)