Political Director’s Report – February 2023
Congratulations to Our New CADEM Delegates!
By Antonio Sanchez, Political Director
I want to congratulate Shomari Davis, Luis Arida, Paco Arago, and Jackie Walton for being elected in the recent California Democratic Party Assembly District Election Meetings. Each will now represent their assembly district in the upcoming California Democratic Party conventions as a delegate. They will help shape the California Democratic Party platform and vote on legislation to support and candidates to endorse.
Over the years, I’ve noticed that the issues IBEW and labor face are not always prioritized by some in the Party. So, we need to be present at the California Democratic Party conventions and voice our concerns. I’m confident that Shomari, Luis, Paco, and Jackie will help inform others at the conventions and advocate for our issues. I will also be working to have more IBEW Local 11 members appointed as delegates so we are better represented within the California Democratic Party.
Statewide, there were approximately 80 building trades members, staff, and leadership that ran in the Assembly District Election Meetings. Almost 70 won. Winning these elections is now easy. Candidates must ask supporters to register to vote and then turn them out. We successfully worked with various labor friendly slates to help our members win. This new effort is championed by the new head of the California State Building Trades, Andrew Meredith. Brother Meredith replaced Robbie Hunter and is at IBEW Local 340.