Unit 14 Civil Service Report – June 2022
Sisters and Brothers,
Here are the current updates for contract negotiations.
LA City:
Official contract raises became effective in June (2% and 2%). We will be gearing up for full contract negotiations in October, so please send me any proposals before then. Negotiations for a successor MOU 35 Hiring Hall agreement are progressing. The city has our latest proposal.
We are negotiating a successor to our Unit E agreement. Several other bargaining units have completed their negotiations, so ours should proceed at a quicker pace now. On the benefits side, we have a tentative agreement with the district to increase their contribution to the medical benefit by 9.2% which will cover the increase in medical insurance cost.
LA County:
MOU 411 and 412 negotiations are ongoing and progressing slowly. The Unions United campaign was effective, and we are confident that we will get a wage package worthy of ratification. We are also currently negotiating a successor to the benefits agreement along with our partners at the Coalition of County Unions. Updates to follow.
We are seeking to amend the MOU to allow for our members to teach at L.A.Trade Tech without giving up hours from their normal work assignments.
For further information, please attend our monthly Unit 14 meeting which takes place on the fourth Thursday of every month at 5 .pm. Additionally, please feel free to contact me on my cell phone at (626) 712-4769. You can also email me directly at arida@ibew11.org.
Luis Arida
Civil Service Business Representative
(626) 712-4769