District 2 Report — May 2022
Hello my Brothers and Sisters,
The work picture in District 2 area is still moving very slow, with few calls coming in. Most of the calls in the District 2 area have been for the refineries, with a few for the Port of Long Beach. There seems to still be a supply issue and shipping delays happening all around the country, thus affecting the current and upcoming work picture.
The Infrastructure Bill is supposed to release billions of dollars here in California, with millions of dollars going to the new EVITP systems (electric car charging stations) to be installed all over California. If you are interested in this type of work, you will need to be EVITP-certified, so sign up at the ETI for this class. Battery storage is also on the rise for future work, so get that certification from the ETI as well.
With the work picture being slow, if you are thinking about traveling to other Locals to look for work, make sure you have an up-to-date travel letter. You can request one in person at any of the halls or request it online. You must be on the out of work list to request a travel letter. Local 440 Riverside, Local 40 Hollywood and Local 428 Bakersfield have been getting into Book 2, as well as we have been sending apprentices to these locals to help and keep our Local 11 apprentices working.
If you’re going to travel any significant distance, always call the hall prior to going there to see how the work picture is for Book 2 and what their protocols are for signing their Book 2. Make sure you have a current dues receipt with you. Always get a copy of their CBA and tool list. Remember if you’re working in another local, respect their rules and working agreement. Represent Local 11 well and stay out of their politics.
If you see any construction site that you want me to look in on or stop by your site, please contact me so I can stop by. The only way we know where the current jobs sites are is if we see job calls come into the halls, we happen to drive by a site, or if you the member gives us a call.
If you know someone that needs help with their dues or is financially in need, have them reach out to the welfare committee of their district to see what can be done to help out. They can fill out and turn in the form at any of the halls to request assistance.
August 6 will be the date for the Annual IBEW Local 11 Picnic which will be at the Hollywood Sports Park again this year.
I’d like to close my report by asking everyone to keep an eye on each other on the jobs. Let’s make sure we’re checking in with our Brothers and Sisters to make sure they are doing ok, both physically and mentally. We have great benefits, so if you see someone not quite the same, talk to them. Sometimes that may be all that is needed. If you or someone you know is struggling with any type of addiction or depression, remember we have a Members Assistance Program for help.
We all have good and bad days, so let’s watch out and lift each other up. We are a Brotherhood and Sisterhood above all. And as always, take care of the older members on the jobsites. Eventually you will be that older member.
Thank you all for letting me serve as your D2 Agent. It is an honor and privilege to serve this membership and this great IBEW.
Gary Tomlin
(626) 375-5721