Organizing Report – January 2022
I hope this report finds you and your family safe and well.
We open this year with some strong statistics from the Organizing Department for Local 11.
At the end of 2021, we experienced a gain in membership as compared to the end of 2020. We have met and exceeded the 4% membership gain that the IBEW International office requires. In the last four years, we have seen a steady growth in membership and contractors signed with Local 11. In fact, this month we have 2 new contractors that have become signatory with Local 11 and we are finishing up discussions with one more that should be signed by the posting of this report.
Happy new year and blessings for good health to you and your families.
In Fraternity,
Robert Corona
Sr. Asst. Business Manager/ Director of Organizing
Office: (626) 243-9726
Cell: (310) 503-4679