District 3 Report – January 2022
Happy Holidays from District 3
Hello from District 3,
Hopefully everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday season. It was refreshing to come back and see we still have under 400 journeyman wiremen on the book even during a global pandemic. Having been a member for quite some time now, I can remember the winters of 700 to 800 plus members on the books. I expect this boom to continue as we head into negotiations.
On another note, we on staff all wear more than one hat. I personally sit on a few boards and committees to keep IBEW Local 11’s name out there in the forefront of people’s minds. One board I sit on is the South Bay Workers Investment Board (SBWIB). SBWIB helps to find job training for underserved youth in the South Bay as well as other community outreach programs.
One of their outreach programs provides maintenance for low-income elderly homeowners in the South L.A. area. I’ll be teaming up with one of our IBEW contractors who will be pulling the electrical permits. No dates have been set yet, but we will be looking for volunteers to help provide the labor involved. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, please reach out to me at mcostigan@ibew11.org. I will be compiling a list of volunteers and will reach out as information comes out and the dates draw near.
As always, it’s an honor and a privilege to serve the members of IBEW Local #11.
Mike Costigan
Business Agent, District 3
(310) 503-5337